

The meaning of Jainism Jambupati


The Jain religion was founded in North India by a revered ascetic named Vardhamana, who became known as Mahavir, "great hero." The Jains base their entire system of values and ethics on ahimsa, a doctrine often translated as the non-harming of all living things. Like hinduism, Jainism maintains a belief in karma. Like Buddhism, Jainism began as a reform movement of the Brahmanic religious beliefs of the 6th century B.C.E. but never spread beyond India. The two main sects are Digambara and Svetambara.

A mythical Indian emperor who was too vain to listen to the Buddha's teachings. The Buddha changed himself into a great and magnificent emperor and invited Jambupati to visit him. The experience changed Jambupati and made him receptive to the Buddha's teachings. This story is a Southeast Asian addition to the legend of the Buddha and does not appear in the Buddhist literature of India or Sri Lanka.

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