

The meaning of Yakshas Yantra Yoga Ying-Yang Yogi Yoni


Mythical beings, nature spirits. In India, guardians of the wealth of the gods. In Southeast Asia, guardians of temples. They look fierce, but are believed to be benign. The feminine form is yakshi.

In Buddhism a sacred mandala is a yantra. It represents what is visible and knowable: the concentrated energy in the mandala.
The term has two aspects: “Yan” means to regulate’ and ‘tra’ means to protect. It is therefore an instrument in which the psychophysical energies of the worshipper are regulated and protected. Thus regulation is protection.
                Among the Buddhist Tantrics, the preparation of a yantra is practically analogous to the process followed by the Hindu Tantrics. It must be prepared by an enlightened teacher, who must meditate on the design of the manadala, which must also not be sold or bartered, but given to a disciple.
                It is therefore similarly a sacred undertaking. The only difference is that the Buddhist deities, some of whom have been adopt4ed from Hinduism,. Are consecrated in the mandala. The object and effect of worship is also similar. In worship the consciousness of the devotee finds expression. In its articulation it is expanded beyond subjective feelings and the external forces around, and in their interaction evolves spiritual development.
                In Tibetan Buddhism a yantra is called Qing-quo and is of many to the Rising Sun – the mandala is adorned with flowers, saffron water, incense, and a representation of Mt. Sumeru, the mythical seat of the deity, said to be the center of the universe.

Two polar energies that cause the universe in Taoist belief. Yin represents the feminine, the passive, the dark, and the soft; yang represents the masculine, the active, the bright, and the hard. Yin is symbolized as the moon, water, the color black, and the direction north; yang is symbolized as the sun, fire, the color red, and the direction south. Represented in the popular symbol of a circle divided into two curved halves, one white and one black.


To unite. A system of physical, mental, and spiritual discipline, the ultimate aim of which is to unite with the universal spirit.

One who practices yoga. The feminine form is yogin.

An object of worship symbolic of female creative energy, represented as the female sex organ, in the form of a square pedestal with hollow top, and a trough at one end. When in combination with a lingam or phallic representation of Shiva's creative force, it symbolizes creation.

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